I clicked on "more" (and then "more" again - apparently they weren't sure I really meant it the first time). Interesting. They offer tools and I ALWAYS enjoy finding new tools. Should be good. "Follow these 4 strategies for improving your emotional wellness." Well, strategy is my life. Let's read on.
The first of 4 strategies is "Make Mental Health a Priority in Your
Life" Hmmm. Yes, I think that would definitely be advisable. "Eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep." Well I do eat, if not always well. Exercise? Does walking across the street at some point to confer with another business owner count? And sleep, ahhh, that elusive state - I never seem to get enough of that." Set aside time for yourself every day and do something you love - whether it's massage, yoga, hiking, or taking a warm bath." They go on to suggest I sign up for individual classes they offer to deal with specific issues which cause stress. All good advice, but tell me, when would I fit all of this into a single day? Where does it go between operating and promoting a small business, attending all the requisite meetings and consultations that go with being on City Council and being an active part of my community? Oh, did I forget to mention I have a family I'd like to spend time with once in awhile?
The second tool in the toolbox is "Communicate Clearly."
Indeed, that would save a lot of frustration in the long run. The writer goes on to suggest that you can avoid conflict and disappointment by being simple and specific, assertive and doing a better job of listening. I totally agree. And would like to add that if you wear a hearing aid, PLEASE TURN IT ON (I can definitely communicate better with you if we can hear each other).
Number 3 on this list suggests I "Strive for Work-Life Balance: Make time for people and activities you love. Be sure to use your vacation time and let go of those things that don't matter in the long run."
Well okey dokey. Guess we can move on here, as I clearly have no idea how to do ANY of this.What is a vacation? How do you know what will actually matter in the future? Rats! I need that crystal ball - again?
Well okey dokey. Guess we can move on here, as I clearly have no idea how to do ANY of this.What is a vacation? How do you know what will actually matter in the future? Rats! I need that crystal ball - again?
lastly, I'm directed to "Think Positively." OK, this I can
do. I can definitely suspend reality and look at the rainbows and silver
linings in life. That one is not just a mental health exercise but a life
skill. I know all the appropriate adages: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade (but you'd better hope life gives you sugar as well, because just lemons and water are pretty darned sour). After the storm comes a calm (while you clean up the damage and wait for the power to be restore). A friend in need is a friend indeed (especially if you have a pick-up truck and he has furniture to move. Loose Lips Sink Ships (OK. I just threw that one in because I've always liked it.
And the moral of this story, kids, is that I need to go back to just deleting all of this wisdom that just points out all my inadequacies. Trying to apply all of these wonderful tools for reducing stress and doing all of this self-examination IS JUST TOO STRESSFUL!
And the moral of this story, kids, is that I need to go back to just deleting all of this wisdom that just points out all my inadequacies. Trying to apply all of these wonderful tools for reducing stress and doing all of this self-examination IS JUST TOO STRESSFUL!
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