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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Kate, Wherever You Are

April 14th is my sister's birthday. Today Kathleen Louise hits the 59-year mark and I wish I could call and talk with her - extend my happy birthday wishes, or celebrate even. We have a shared history. We grew up together in the same house (houses), with the same parents, attended many of the same schools and knew the same people. We have both always loved reading and books, writing and arguing our independent opinions and beliefs. Although we often disagree the conversation is always interesting and never predictable. We have a shared genetic heritage as well, which has marked us both in some ways.

I haven't heard from Kathy in several years and have been unable to find her, although I’ve tried. I've called all of our mutual acquaintances and driven up and down the street where she used to live, hoping for a glimpse. I've knocked on doors in her old neighborhood and worn out my welcome with friends, not to mention their patience. I've done everything short of hiring a private investigator. Kate has dropped off the map and despite my repeated attempts to contact her maintains her invisibility. Perhaps it is me she's avoiding and so has made a deliberate decision to separate our lives, or maybe she just needs to focus on coping, surviving. Diagnosed many years ago with Hepatitis-C, she struggles with her health. In addition she has been responsible for raising her grandson. Kathy’s life has been a challenge.

Kate is my baby sister - 3 years younger than I am. We fought our way through childhood, but when she went missing as a teen I'm the one, not my parents, who sat down with the police detectives, trying to locate her and trying to convince the police she wasn't a runaway. Actually she was and this was only the first of many times she ran away from her life, looking for a better one. Maybe she has found it. I hope so. Although I'd love to see her, talk to her, laugh with her about the ironies of life and cry over our sorrows, that probably isn't going to happen any time soon - or maybe ever. So I'm leaving her this message and hoping, somehow, she finds it.

Happy Birthday Kate! I hope wherever you are you have a birthday cake and friends to celebrate with you. I wish you could sit in the reading room here at Word for Word Books and chat with me. (You’d love the bookstore – always interesting people stopping by to talk – right up your alley). You are one of the smartest, funniest people I've ever known. While we haven't always agreed and there is a lot of water under the bridge (OK, rapids and treacherous white water), we and our children are pretty much all that's left of our family, and I miss you. I wish you health, happiness, peace, and love. Happy Birthday!

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